
Trombonisti italiani

Whether it’s Gioacchino Rossini’s overture to „William Tell“ or the Beatles song “Hey Jude“ – the Italian trombone quartet „Trombonisti Italiani“ stops at no musical style. Founded in 1996 by Lito Fontana it consists of four of Italy’s very best…


Beside his love to play music and be on the stage Lito dedicates a lot of time to teach. As a former faculty member of the Conservatories of Perugia and Bolzano and actually lecturer at the Musikschule Hall he has…

Social Project

It is always a pleasure for Lito give his contribution to social projects. Especially  helping children is one of his big aims.  In 2014 he  performs for:MOVIMENTO VITE SOSPESE at the charity night at the marvelous old town of Grottammare on…


Lito collaborated with Schagerl Instruments to develop the Schagerl Tenor Trombone Model “FONTANA” DESCRIPTION: This Schagerl trombone came about after a 2 year search for an instrument with a lively tone, appropriate to an orchestra, yet light, centered and compact…